


A Yemen Visa is a document affixed to a page in your passport and issued by the Consulate that gives you a permission to enter Yemen.

Visas are intended for people with permanent residence outside the Republic of Yemen who wish to go temporarily for tourism, business, work, or study. Visa category depend on the applicant’s purpose of travel.

A visa is given after an approval from the immigration authorities of the Republic of Yemen, average processing time for visa is two weeks.

To Apply for a Visa, you need to:

  1. Fill in the then print out form available here
  2. State the purpose of the visit
    - for a business visa, the business partner invitation
    - for a visitor visa the information of inviting person or organization
    - for a tourist visa a travel agent letter and contact information
    - for a student visa a language institute or university registration letter
  3. Have passport with at least 6 months’ validity
  4. Provide two (2) passport photographs 4 x 6 cm
  5. Provide dates of arrival and return
  6. Provide health certificate
  7. Bring all required documents to the Consular Section, Visa fee of 50$ U.S. dollars for a single entry visa (valid for 3 months) can be paid at the Consular Section.
  8. Provide prepaid envelope for sending the passport back.

We cannot guarantee that you will be issued a visa. Do not make final travel plans or buy tickets until you have a visa.

